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Marie has been tutoring my daughter leading up to her prelims…The difference in her confidence is amazing. Marie is very easy to get on with, and my daughter finds it very easy to communicate with Marie. I would highly recommend her. You will not be disappointed


Students Mother


Myself, my husband and two friends have just finished our 6 week course with Marie in beginners Spanish. We all visit Spain frequently and felt we wanted confidence in speaking when we go shopping, dinners, dealing with day to day situations. Marie completely tailored the course to all of our individual needs, making all of the language relevant to each of us and helpful for our visits. Thanks so much Marie, and we are looking forward to booking our next block in the new year and learning more.

Stacey, James , George and Diane. 



We’ve helped over 1 million students go further

We have received positive feedback from our clients who have taken our language courses over the years. These outstanding testimonials speak volumes about the effectiveness of our courses and the satisfaction of our students. We take immense pride in the fact that our clients have found our language courses to be extremely helpful in improving their language skills.


Etanon est nisl mi vitae faucibus nulla amet malesuada bibendum massa vivamus tempor imperdiet posuere elit proin ut dui adipiscing dignissim sagittis ultrices.

Sean Anderson



Etanon est nisl mi vitae faucibus nulla amet malesuada bibendum massa vivamus tempor imperdiet posuere elit proin ut dui adipiscing dignissim sagittis ultrices.

Sean Anderson



Etanon est nisl mi vitae faucibus nulla amet malesuada bibendum massa vivamus tempor imperdiet posuere elit proin ut dui adipiscing dignissim sagittis ultrices.

Sean Anderson


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